Proximity: Service and Production Shop Floor Suite

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Proximity: Service and Production Shop Floor Suite

Proximity: SAP Service and Production Shop Floor Suite.

 Keeping your shop floor working on orders is the top priority for your technicians.  Proximity provides a Manufacturing Execution System to simplify the data entry required in SAP.  Proximity works with service management, plant maintenance as well as production execution.  While each area has unique needs, much of the functionality is the same. Proximity provides the same look and feel, while giving each area the unique features they need to be more productive.

With Proximity, your supervisors and technicians can instantly see all the information they need in a single spot, and strip out everything they don't need.  Proximity provides a simple and effective view of their workload and pulls in the best features they use on a daily basis to make their time in SAP even easier.  All pieces of Proximity are fully configurable to show only the fields and sections you need for your organization.  Proximity has some prototype UI5 applications that can be available as well.  Proximity not only simplifies the process, but we extend it to provide the additional functionality you need.